Tuesday, October 19, 2010

JV Team Shirts Anyone?

Ever since my family designed and ordered these shirts a year ago to support Jared, and their cause to raise money for the Chordoma Foundation, many of you have asked how to order a shirt for yourself. Well . . . with so much interest from everyone we are going to do another order. So pass the word around and let me know your order by Nov. 1st. The prices are as follows:

Adult cotton t-shirts (S-XL) are $6.25 each
Youth sizes (S-XL), along w/ 2T-5T are $5.00 each
Adult exercise shirts (dry-fit like material) are $14.50 each.

The cost of the shirts is exactly the cost of production. No profit will be made to anyone or any organization. The shirts will be exactly the same as the last time (all youth sizes and smaller will only have the front logo - not the writing on the back).

Please have your orders into me by Nov. 1st

Thanks everyone. Go JV Team!!


  1. Hi J! Jackson and I would like one :) Cotton for me, 2t for Jax. THANKS!

  2. Hi Guys -
    Just got an e-mail from the chordoma foundation and thought of you and the blog. If you haven't placed an order yet, can you get 2 youth size mediums for Stratton. Thanks,
    Heidi & Kirk Tidwell
