I apologize to all who have heard this experience, but we had wanted to post it for those who haven't. It is somewhat of old news to many, but being that we went offline for a couple months we never got a chance to post about it, at least I don't thinks so. My memory is not exactly top caliber. Well here it goes.
Jared wanted another sibling for quite some time and would ask Jaime and I when we would be having another baby. I thought those questions only came from our parents, not our own children. Jaime and I, in the past, have had no trouble getting pregnant. We had decided back in January that we would again look to bring another child into our home. Months went by and nothing happened. We were shocked. Come May, we received Jared's diagnosis. We were devastated. We discussed putting a family on hold until there was a resolve to our situation, but we never felt that this is what we should do. We wanted Jared to be able to have his wish of another sibling, but did not know how we would handle things financially and emotionally. On my birthday, in the fall, we were in getting flu shots when we discovered that Jaime is in fact, pregnant. We were all so excited. Here I was, thinking in my heart that getting flu shots on my birthday would go down as an all time high for the best birthday present ever, but I was soon shocked with the news of a true birthday wish. We were shocked and excited. Jared was truly the most excited of all of us. It was fun to see his joy in knowing that he would have another sibling.
Well, the coming months brought great disappointment as you all know. Our hearts were sorrowed as we learned of Jared's final diagnosis. At the deepest valleys of our challenges, the Lord has brought forth some of the greatest blessings. Just weeks following the very vivid, difficult MRI images of our sons tumor we were shown the mercy of the Lord by viewing an ultrasound image of our future child. To our great joy, we then discovered from the doctor that this baby's due date is exactly the eighth birthday of our oldest son Jared, May 29, 2010. On top of this great news, we have since had another ultrasound revealing that we will have a baby boy. I know that God is very aware of us and is keenly interested in the details of our lives. We will soon experience both ends of life's spectrum in a matter of 6 months from each other. We can't wait. I am sure Jared is still very aware of this blessing that will soon come into our home, just as he is aware of how his life has blessed our family with a deeper appreciation of the important things in life. Someday all the siblings can be reunited again and can cherish the greatest blessings and tender mercies God can give.