Friday, June 5, 2009


Our hearts are full of such gratitude right now as we have heard that the tumor removal is over and Jared remains stable. Two surgeons from the team came out to discuss the happenings of the surgery with us and were very positive about the outcome of the surgery. The surgeons believe they have completely resected all of the cells of the tumor except for one area within a bundle of nerves that are attributed to a lot of the face and mouth functions. They did not feel that they should sacrifice these nerves to try to obtain every last cell, but do believe that the Proton Beam Radiation that will follow will be beneficial in eliminating these cells.

He should have most function of his face, but there remains a concern for the left side of his tongue and possibly double vision as he looks off to the left side (a small region). These are minor and wonderful compared to what could have happened. Our greatest concern at this moment is the blood supply to his brain. The tumor had aparentley bulged into the left carotid artery (one of four going to the brain) and a portion of that artery had to be removed. The surgeons felt that they could sacrifice that artery, as leaving the artery would have left a large portion of tumor in the area. They felt that during the operation he showed normal brain function and blood flow after the removal of this artery, but they will not know for sure until after he is alert enough to perform neurological tests. They have sealed off part of this artery temporarilly and will be placing a permanent plug prior to eliminate possible leakage that could cause an anurism. This risk is short-term. They said if Jared does fine over the next several days than he will do fine long-term.

This plugging procedure is happening now and is absolutely amazing. They insert the plug in an artery in his groin and guide it all the way to his carotid artery in his neck. This is absolutely unreal. There are risks in this procedure as there are in all of them, but we hope to hear word on this in an hour or so.

There were concerns that Jared would have to have a neck fusion, but as of now he will not. They only had to remove a small part of one of the joints in his neck/spine that the tumor had reached. They felt that the tumor had not penetrated adjacent vertibrate due to a small membrane that was still protecting them. They have him in a halo right now (for a few days) and will then remove the halo. Then they will test his neck function and decide for sure if a fusion is necessary.

There are two membranes protecting the brain - the surgeons removed the outer one where the tumor was pushing against and were able to leave the second layer. They told us this was the best case scenario.

We are very hopeful that in coming out of sedation Jared will have all of his brain function. This is our primary concern after removal of such an integral artery. The human body is amazing and is a testimony to a divine design to all of us. We are not out of the woods, but we do know that God is watching over him and us at this time. Thank you for all your prayers. We feel very grateful for the news we've heard thus far.


  1. Wow, Thanks for keeping us updated with this blog it is WONDERFUL! We are excited that things are going as well as can be hoped for and are amazed at the skills of the doctors. We have been praying for thier hands to work as if it were Heavenly Father himself performing these procedures. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Lots of Love Brad & Nicki Ellis & Family

  2. Jaime & Andrew ... please know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. From what we have read it sounds like you are in the right place and that things are going as well as can be hoped for -- Praise God. We are truly blown away by your incredible strength and positive outlook. Jared is a lucky little boy to have you both as parents. You will all remain close in our hearts during this difficult time. Love, Judy & Kim

  3. We can still hardly believe this is all happening to little Jared. But we are so glad to hear all these best scenario results. We will continue to pray for his successful recovery. We love you, Jon & Sarah

  4. Thanks for the updates...Here is a little update from us: Bradley is sleeping with Ty and they are sound asleep...on the other hand Elle is sleeping in Mikelles room and they are chatting away, its actually so cute, Darren and I don't have the heart to go in and tell them to go to sleep. They are cracking us up. call us tomorrow when you guys get a minute, I am sure they will want to talk to you both. Blow kisses to Jared from all of us... love you tons!

  5. We also love the updates. So thanks for keeping us posted. That's so cute what Krista posted, I can totally see it, those two cute girls. Love you guys. Love, Jenn & Dave

  6. So relieved to hear good news. What a strong little boy you have. He is brave and full of faith - like his parents. Thanks for sharing this journey with us. We love you!
